Happy Clients for Life, Not Just for Christmas
Building customer relationships is something you do and maintain every day of the year, not just during the Christmas season. Here at Ant Marketing, it is one of our top priorities that our clients receive and benefit from the highest quality services possible.
Here’s a few ways you can integrate exceptional customer service with your current working day and lifetime of your client relationship, rather than simply with a Christmas card once a year.
Regular phone calls
More often than not, companies choose to communicate via email. Phone calls are a more personal way of communicating with your client and, better yet, sometimes you gain more detail and better understanding from a phone call than you would through email or text.
Scheduling in a regular call for your clients, you’ll begin to form a habit. If phone calls happen more rarely, people begin to think calls are only for important discussions, so clients will feel less alarmed when they see you ringing, or even know to expect your call. With this personal communication, you’ll develop a relationship that goes beyond seller and buyer.
Conversations may reveal opportunities for mutual benefit, such as information about their families or hobbies. You could add a personal touch to your Christmas card that will help yours stand out.
Remembering details
Remember and take note of details about your clients’ business and lives. During conversation, ask questions referring to previous conversations from both business perspective or personal details they may have shared. How did they end up resolving the issue they were dealing with last time you spoke? Did their daughter enjoy their graduation ceremony? Details like this will reassure your client that you are listening, which will ultimately develop their trust.
Along with regularly contacting your clients and engaging with them on the details of their business, emphasise that they can call on you for help or guidance at any time. It is possible you may go months without a call, but the one time they have a problem, they’ll call on you. And that could well be an opportunity to win a client over for life.
Share information and relevant content
It is a way of showing clients that you care. If you come across an interesting article, or something that would benefit your client, send it along to them. Any information helps.
Remember, if your client succeeds, you do too. Take an interest in their success and send them relevant information.
Ask for regular feedback
Asking for feedback is never easy, as it can be both time consuming and feel like your pestering, especially when you’re unsure what you will hear back. But if you want to build trust between yourself and your clients, regularly asking about how you can improve and make your service better is very important, and could resolve problems you may have been unaware of.
Asking partners for feedback will act as a reminder of your service and care, while making sure you’re establishing a relationship that’s built on trust.
Implement these four service strategies and begin making a difference to your client relationships. Christmas cards are a nice reminder at Christmas to let clients you are thinking of them, but ensure to make the effort during the remaining 11 months of the year to make the message worthwhile.